
Saturday, August 30, 2003

In response:

By: Unknown

Ah, Ed. A common misconception.

To say that an introvert "rarely succeeds" is untrue. Introverts are focused on their work. Perhaps they will not be seen in the park feeding the homeless people for the cameras, and they will not become political leaders and actors, but they are society's best scientists, best mathematicians, best business owners (though not neccessarily the best CEOs) and best economic analysts.

And I believe you share the misconception that introverts are shy. On the contrary, most introverts can and will interact if it is pertinent to their area of focus. I personally do not enjoy forced interactions of this kind, but I am more than willing to go through them so I can do what I want in life.

Which brings me to my next point. I agree with you that improving the world is important. Community service should be taken into account by colleges. I will not dispute that fact. However, sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities, which one must participate in to have the best chances of going to the best schools, are meant to create enjoyment. Outside of leadership and community service (which are very important), clubs prove nothing. Leadership and community service can be acquired through different means than clubs (though leadership is still unfair to introverts. This trait is naturally tilted toward extroverts), but colleges still want "sports and other extracurricular activities" on college applications. Thus, introverts are forced to do something we do not enjoy at all so we can get somewhere unrelated to the torturous entry trial.

By my hand,

...I am a leader, and I do participate in community service. Boy Scouts, you know...